The Prince and The Pea


Prince Richard would rather be out riding his steed, Avanti, or learning how to light fires with a certain chambermaid than meeting the next haughty princess his father has lined up for him. But he has a duty – to marry and to marry well. Meanwhile, Princess Elizabeth will find her own prince. Her own way. Will true love find a way past duty?


‘…thoroughly gorgeous, an inspired reworking…. The writing flows just beautifully, the story has a lovely light humour in places that brings a smile to your face, and the perfect ending really warms your heart…loved every moment of it.’

‘A lovely little book that can be enjoyed by all. It’s fun but has a deeper serious side and I finished it with a smile. Highly recommended.’
Ali the Dragonslayer

‘The Prince and the Pea is ultimately a fairy tale but it also carries a very important message for all. Be yourself. Follow your dreams. Fulfil your destiny. Make your own path.’
Swirl and Thread

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